The Forget-Me-Not Memory Cafe

Forget me not memory cafe

The Forget-Me-Not Dementia Support is a WA community-led initiative that gives those living with memory loss and their carers and loved ones a supportive social network. The Forget-Me-Not Memory Cafe runs community get-togethers at local cafes across WA.

More than 1 person every hour is diagnosed with Dementia in WA and by 2056 it is expected that 143,957 will be living with Dementia in the state.


What Does The Forget-Me-Not Memory Cafe Offer?

The Forget-Me-Not Memory Cafe provides a safe and welcoming place for carers and their loved ones with dementia or memory loss to come together in a social environment without the fear of embarrassment or judgement. Carers of loved ones living with dementia are able to connect with others who understand their journey in an open and friendly environment, which offers them comfort and practical assistance.

Meet-ups usually take place over two hours but you are welcome to stay for a minute, an hour or the whole duration.


forget me not memory cafe

Image Credit: Forget Me Not Memory Cafe Website


How did the Forget-Me-Not Cafe Start?

The Forget-Me-Not Cafe first came about when founder, Angi whose husband Michael was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease shortly after his 65th birthday, discovered a lack of community groups that would allow loved ones suffering from dementia and their carers to enjoy a quiet cuppa together with others in similar positions. The first Forget-Me-Not Memory Cafe was launched in Roleystone in 2017.


Where is my nearest Forget Me Not Memory Cafe?

There are currently 24 locations and each cafe event is held once a month.

Current Times and Locations

Baldivis – The Coffee Club

When: 4th Tuesday of every month, 2pm – 4pm

Where: Stockland, Safety Bay Road


Belmont – Belvidere

When: 4th Wednesday of every month, 10am -12pm

Where: Belvidere Bar & Bistro, Belmont


Bindoon – Bindoon Library

When: 3rd Tuesday of every month, 10am -12pm

Where: Bindoon Library


Cockburn – The Gate Bar & Bistro

When: 4th Tuesday of every month, 10am – 12pm

Where: 816 Beelia Drive, Success


Fremantle –  Alma Street, Level 5

When: 3rd Friday of every month, 10am – 11pm

Where: Alma Street, Fremantle. Level 5


Geraldton – TBA

When: Tuesday of every month, 10am-12pm

Where: Geraldton


Gosnells – Gosnells Hotel

When: 2nd Wednesday of every month, 10am-12pm

Where: Gosnells Hotel, Gosnells


Jurien Bay – Memory Lane Cafe

When: 3rd Friday of every month, 9:30am – 11:30am

Where: Turquoise Coast Respite Centre, Bashford St


Kalamunda – Gracie’s Cafe

When: 1st Wednesday of every month, 10am – 12pm

Where: Gracie’s Cafe, Forrestfield


Kalgoorlie – Community Centre

When: 2nd Monday of every month, 11am-12:30pm

Where: 13 Roberts St, Kalgoorlie


Mandurah – Sunbreakers

When: 3rd Wednesday of every month, 10am – 12pm

Where: Mandurah Tce, Mandurah


Merredin – Dimensions Cafe

When: 4th Tuesday of every month, 10am-12pm

Where: Bates St, Merredin


Mundaring – Cafe Mojo

When: 2nd Thursday of the month, 10am – 12pm

Where: 16 Craig St, Mundaring


Mt Lawley – Bethanie on the Park

When: 1st Thursday of the month, 10am – 12pm

Where: 2 Plantation St, Mount Lawley


Narrogin – Gnagojin Community Centre

When: 3rd Wednesday of the month, 10:30am – 11am

Where: Hale St, Narrogin


Roleystone – Avocados

When: 1st Friday of every month, 10am – 12pm

Where: 2 Mount Street, Kelmscott


Riverton – The Coffee Club

When: 2nd Wednesday of every month, 1:30pm – 3:30pm

Where: Stockland Shopping Centre, Riverton


Rockingham – The Swinging Pig

When: 3rd Monday of every month, 10am – 12pm

Where: Chalgrove Ave, Rockingham


Stirling – Blue Lotus Cafe

When: 2nd Monday of every month, 10am – 12pm

Where: Waldecks Nursery, Hamilton St, Stirling


Toodyay – The Bakery

When: 2nd Tuesday of every month, 10am – 12pm

Where: The Bakery, 123 Stirling Tce


Victoria Park – The Coffee Club

When: 4th Monday of every month, 10am – 12pm

Where: Park Centre, Victoria Park


York – Community Resource Centre

When: 4th Friday of every month, 10am – 12pm

Where: 89 Avon Tce, York


Wanneroo – Wanneroo Library

When: 4th Thursday of every month, 10am – 12pm

Where: Wanneroo Library and cultural centre, 3 Rocca Way


If you can’t find a Forget-Me-Not Memory Cafe near you and wish to start up your own contact the organisation to find out how you can get involved.

The Forget Me Not Memory Cafe is a great place for those with Alzheimer’s or dementia and their carers to socialise and receive help and support.

For more information visit


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About Jennie McNichol

Jennie McNichol is the Co-Founder and Editor of Seniorocity and Buggybuddys. She lives north of Perth with her husband, 2 children, 2 Ragdoll Cats and 1 Maine Coon

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