Garden Centres

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Garden Centres in Perth:
Our Seniorocity guide has you covered with ideas for Days Out in Perth. Find garden centres, including centres with cafes, specialty centres and much more!
For example, why not visit one of Waldecks two locations? Drop into Waldecks in Stirling or Waldecks in Kingsley. Shop the extensive gardening supplies and giftware in store, or enjoy a delicious meal for their cafes.
Similarly, Dawson’s Garden World in Forrestfield is a local icon. They’ve served Perth’s gardening community for over a hundred years! Shop in store for plants, pots, gifts or gardening paraphernalia. Relax and enjoy a cuppa in their lovely cafe. If you’re taking your grandchildren, they are sure to love the hidden fairy garden and the merry-go-round.
Likewise, Zanthorrea is a family-owned garden centre. It’s located in the Perth hills. It has won the AGIA ‘Best Garden Centre in Australia’ seven times in the last 20+ years. This centre specialises in quality Australian native plants. Stop at the coffee corner for a cuppa, and if you’re taking the grandkids along, they will love the shaded playground. Wander and explore the display gardens or shop for books and giftware.
All these garden centres are listed with reviews, photos and more in our Seniorocity guide. Check it out and enjoy caring for your garden today!

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