Greenbunch Vic Park


Silly me this morning arrived at Aqualife for a swim only to find that I’d forgotten my bathers, so a swim was quite out of the question.

Not to worry, I’ll go tomorrow and swim twice as far…maybe!

I hopped back into the car to go home but as I was cruising down the Vic Park strip I could feel a coffee coming on.

There are so many options to choose from here but there was a parking space right outside Greenbunch Perth where there’s half an hour of free parking.


From outside Greenbunch you could be forgiven for thinking that it’s just a florist’s, but as you walk inside you see that it’s so much more than that.



Not only is it a flower shop, but it’s full of lovely gifts and cards all beautifully presented.


The big surprise for me the first time I went there was that there’s also a little coffee shop selling coffees and cakes, smoothies and sandwiches, including vegan options.


As you venture further into the store you find yourself in a garden, a little oasis tucked away in the heart of Vic Park.


I enjoyed a very pleasant half hour in the sun with my coffee sitting underneath the lemon tree, basking in the heady fragrance from the blossom.


For chilly days there are blankets provided to keep you cosy, newspapers to peruse, a mini library and it’s pet friendly too.

The handsome young man today was however a little camera shy!




 907 Albany Hwy, East Victoria Park WA 6101



About Jane Florence

Jane Florence was born and bred in the North West of England but has since moved around considerably.
She loves new cultures and languages and has lived in California, Copenhagen, where she met her Scottish husband, Spain, Norway, Scotland and Indonesia.
When living in Jakarta, Jane and her family enjoyed several holidays in Perth to visit friends, and thirteen years ago decided to move with the family permanently to this beautiful country.
Since coming to Perth, Jane has worked in retail but decided that life was too short and gave it up for more time to pursue other activities.
Swimming, reading, Zumba, dog walking, travel, cooking for her family, theatre and dining out are some of her passions and she’s constantly on the lookout for new and interesting places to dine.
No plans to move again, but who knows!?

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