Paperbark Merchants, Albany

Paperbark Merchants, Albany

I love bookshops, I can spend hours browsing the shelves finding new and interesting additions to my already groaning bookcase. Thankfully, I know that there are lots of other people like me, otherwise, I’m sure that by now I would have been charged with loitering.

Whilst on holiday in Albany I managed to lose myself in The Paperbark Merchants, an independently owned book and gift store on York Street. More than just a book store; the shop also sells magazines, which is something that I have never personally come across before.

Paperbark Merchants, Albany

There is also an eclectic selection of giftware throughout the store, from trinkets to leather bags, puzzles and games, and one area is given over to vinyl records and record players, and if you are buying a gift you can also pick up a card to go with it and choose from a lovely selection of vintage style wrapping paper.

Paperbark Merchants, Albany

Paperbark Merchants, Albany

The large store has an extensive selection of reading matter; ranging from the latest releases and popular writers to special interest titles. Finding what you are looking for is made easy by the big signs over each section.

There is a good children’s section at the rear of the store, filled with all of the kids favourite books and also some alternative titles to give them something new to try; one of the books that caught my eye was a graphic adaptation of Anne Frankโ€™s Diary, which I thought was a good way to interest children in reading about history.

Paperbark Merchants, Albany

Another string to the store’s bow is that they also sell tickets to local events and productions, so really, in fact, it is so much more than a bookshop.


Address: 204 York Street, Albany

PH: 9842 8044

Hours: Monday-Wednesday 6.30am – 6.00pm

Thursday 6.30am – 8.00pm

Friday & Saturday 6.30am – 6.00pm

Sunday 7.00am – 5.00pm



About Alison Bowmer

I am 57 and work part time in the hospitality industry. I am married with one daughter and three grandchildren.
Outside of work I enjoy music, reading, or watching a good movie, especially with a platter and glass of wine as accompaniment. I really enjoy outdoor concerts or musical theatre.
I love travel of any kind and have recently taken up Glamping.

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