Where to Learn How to Line Dance in Perth

Have you ever heard of line dancing or seen it in the movies? If so, you may want to learn. First of all, you most certainly should give it a go because not only is it super fun, but it provides you with a way to exercise!

If you’re not sure how to get involved, we can help you! There has been an uprise in country western movies where there are cool dance scenes. This has inspired people more than ever before to learn how to line dance and become better dancers both in-person, online, and even via YouTube videos!

While you may feel a little intimidated at first, you will work it out and it will be exciting in no time at all. So, what is line dancing, and how do you get started? From learning how to stay in your row, stepping to the left, and turning to the right to being very good at it, you will need to spend some time working on your form.

Luckily, it isn’t too hard to master when you get the hang of it. Luckily, we have put together a list of in-person and online classes for you to join to learn how to line dance! Let’s take a look!



Reasons to Learn How to Line Dance

There are many different reasons for you to learn how to line dance. After all, learning how to line dance is a super fun and exciting endeavour for you alone or even with some friends! The health benefits of dancing include increased cognitive acuity, stress reduction, and the ability to ward off onset dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Dancing can be used to alleviate anxiety, improve balance, lift moods, improve flexibility, help with sleep, allow you to gain confidence, help you lose weight, and so much more! If you think all of the things above would be good for you, you have to try out line dancing.


In-Person Line Dancing Classes


Cherry Steppers

Line dancing is a perfect activity for absolutely any age group. As long as you love to move, love music, and love being around people, you will absolutely love line dancing and all it entails. Cherry Steppers have a range of both day and night classes for beginners, intermediates, and experienced line dancers.

This modern line dancing class will keep you active and engaged in every class. You will have so much fun in these excellent classes. Everyone that comes to check out these classes has an absolute ball and will create lifelong friendships.

Head to Cherry Steppers for a laugh, a coffee, and a good boogie! You won’t even have to bring a partner for this excellent line dancing experience. Even if you’ve never line danced before, you will be keen to head into these classes.

All day classes are held at the Mount Hawthorn Main Hall. Night classes are held at the North Perth Town Hall and the Cracovia Club in Bennett Springs.



Seniors Line Dance – Mosman Park

Seniors Line Dance has been created specifically for the older people in the Mosman Perk and surrounding communities. However, all ages are welcome to attend these exciting classes. This class is targeted towards seniors who want to find an outlet where they can enjoy some gentle exercise without the added stress of a proper dance class which can be a little exhausting if you’re unable to be very active.

The music at these classes is a little slower with the dance sequences being much shorter which allows these classes to give the most enjoyable effect possible while still allowing you to move your body and maintain good health without too much effort. After all, as humans, our bodies thrive on movement and our minds thrive on thought.

Luckily, line dancing offers up the chance for our bodies to enjoy the movement needed and keep our brains supple and engaged. You can find these excellent classes at St Luke’s Church Hall at 20 Monument Street in Mosman Park.



Osborne Seniors Club Line Dancing

The Osborne Seniors Club offers a range of interesting and interactive activities for seniors in the area. The line dancing is no different and acts as a way for seniors to engage their minds, bodies, and souls in a fun and exciting way. These classes are run at the Osborne Community Hub at 11 Royal Street.


City of Subiaco Line Dancing

Looking for something to do in Subiaco? The City of Subiaco offers line dancing classes suited to seniors who want to get moving and enjoy some music. You can enjoy these weekly line dancing classes with no experience necessary.

Just head down and enjoy a chat, coffee, refreshments and some friendly conversation as you learn to line dance!



Line Dance Legends – Maylands

Enjoy some fun exercise for the body and brain when you head to this super fun line dancing class offered in Maylands. These classes allow you to have some fun, chat, and get some exercise in a class full of like-minded people. This class is targeted at the elderly population in the community and provides them with an outlet to enjoy gentle exercise and fun.

The music is set to a slow pace so that you can move a little slower and not put too much pressure on yourself. Move your body with love and care when you head over to enjoy the line dancing classes offered in Maylands. You will absolutely love dancing and grooving along to some slow music as you work on your health, fitness, and movement.



Line Dance Legends – Kingsley

You need to know that line dancing is all about having fun while keeping your body and brain active. When you check out the line dancing classes here, you will fall in love with how good it feels to get your body moving and mind active. Seniors who do line dancing here will have direct access to an outlet to enjoy moving their bodies to slow music.

It is no lie that our bodies thrive when we are able to move them. It is the best way to exercise your body and brain. Head on over to line dance legends to get your groove on! You will learn about the cha cha, boot scooting moves, and so much more!



Online Line Dancing Classes


Shane Keri Dance

There are plenty of excellent dance classes available for you to enjoy and learn from home. This is awesome for people who won’t be able to make it to a class every single week or would prefer not to. Plenty of people prefer online classes before they are able to become confident enough to join in on in-person classes.

It is a good way to get started before making the weekly commitment to in-person classes too. Line dancing online is much different to dancing in person as it teaches you basic footwork and how you can move your body to the pace in the comfort of your own home.

If you’d prefer not to get enrolled in a studio and do physical classes, this is the perfect way to enjoy the fun line dancing classes. The Shane Keri Dance website run by Shane Keri Dance has been offering excellent line dancing classes online for a very long time now to a range of different people.

You will learn all of the basics s you slowly move and progress to more danced moves to set your lounge room floor on fire. All of the lessons are specialized line dancing courses available at any time. All courses are designed to offer a comfortable and exciting level of dancing.

Overall, this excellent website is proud to offer well-integrated and organised courses from professional dancers to help you learn about the best and most efficient line dancing moves. Their line dance classes are for absolutely everyone who wants to learn how to line dance in a calm, fun, and comfortable atmosphere.

From complete newbies to the most experienced line dancers, there will be something for everyone!



Line Dance with Liz Collett

Liz Collett is very famous for her excellent line dance classes. So much so that she had to make her very own line dance instruction DVDs so that people can learn whenever they please. Now, you can dance in the comfort of your home like no one is watching.

With this excellent DVD offered by Liz, you can get fit even if you hate to exercise as line dancing is a super fun way to get your blood pumping. Your health will be better than ever before with your body being active every day. Not only this, but your self-confidence will rocket due to how good you are feeling.

Once you have learned all of the fun line dances on these DVDs, you will be chomping at the bit to go join a local dance class to show everyone how it is done! You will fit right in and meet lots of fun people who also like to line dance! Even if you don’t have a partner to dance with, that is fine!

These DVDs are something you can follow completely on your own. However, it is more fun with friends! You can say goodbye to loneliness and enjoy your time spent dancing. If it is something you’re working towards, you may even be able to shed a few kgs while you’re at it!

If you enjoy dancing, would like to improve your health, need a life away from feeling lonely and bored, would like to learn something new, or need a confidence boost, this is the way to do it! You can also contact Liz to find out more about the classes.


When it comes down to learning how to line dance, the best piece of advice we can offer you is just to enjoy your time and make the most of it. You don’t need to be the best or the cleanest, it is just about enjoying your line dancing it and giving it all you got! Once you have figured out the steps, you will be able to add your own unique touch to it and make up some funky torso, hip, and hand movements to shake up your line dance!

Whether you’re an avid line dancer who has been doing it for a long time or someone who is just looking to take up a new hobby, you will have so much fun being among like-minded dance enthusiasts who are all there to enjoy a good groove. With these classes, you will be dancing like a pro in no time at all!

Have you ever been to a line dancing class in Perth, Western Australia? If so, tell us about your experience in the comments below!


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