Things to Do Indoors When You’re Self Isolating

Things to do Indoors When You’re Self Isolating

With many in our community in the “high risk” group, whether by age or pre-existing health conditions, you may have decided to self-isolate away from the Corona virus risk for your own safety. What should you do, to keep busy and pass the time indoors? Assuming that you’re not ill, you might suddenly find yourself at with a lot of spare time. To stay positive and make the best of this situation, we have a list of things to do indoors:

Keep connected

The number one thing to do is to connect with friends and family, via phone, video calls or emails. As we attend less events and social gatherings, people will increasingly feel isolated. If you can chat to a friend over facetime, it will lift both your spirits – we need to isolate physically, but not socially. If you’re on Facebook, Seniorocity has a group when you can chat to like-minded over 55’s, and feel a little more connected.


Another brilliant way to keep a positive frame of mind during this time is to relax and enjoy a little “me” time. Self care is all about doing things that make you smile. This could be anything from cuddling a pet, to finishing that book you’ve half read. Challenge yourself to read those unread novels on your bookshelf. Many libraries also offer e-books and e-magazines to borrow online and read on a tablet, if you’d like to read something new, but can’t get to a bookstore. Websites like Audible offer audio books, if you’d like to keep moving and listen, rather than sit and read.

Pamper yourself! This is an ideal time to take a relaxing bubble bath, or put on a face mask and paint your nails. It will leave you feeling rejuvenated and fresh.

Listen to music. Turn up the radio, or rediscover an old LP in your record collection – music can be very soothing and evoke some brilliant memories.


HobbiesThings to do Indoors When You’re Self Isolating

If you’re in your home for a long period of time, now is THE time to get stuck into those things you’ve been too busy to enjoy. Revisit an old hobby – if you have scrapbooking, needlepoint, beading, knitting, painting, sewing etc supplies – start a new project or complete a half finished one.


Binge Watching

Things to do Indoors When You’re Self Isolating

Have a lazy day on the sofa and watch a movie marathon or binge a TV series. Here’s some TV viewing picks – including new shows and old favourites:

  • The Crown (Netflix)
  • Outlander (Netflix, Foxtel, SBS)
  • The Block (9Now)
  • Bodyguard (Netflix)
  • Blue Heelers (7plus)
  • The Cry (ABCiView)
  • Gardening Australia (ABCiView)
  • Love Child (9Now)
  • Miami Vice (9Now)
  • Mr Bean (7plus)
  • The Repair Shop (ABCiView)
  • Grey’s Anatomy (7Plus)
  • Kath & Kim (Netflix)
  • Packed to the Rafters (7Plus)
  • McLeods Daughters (9Now)


Games and PuzzlesThings to do Indoors When You’re Self Isolating

If you’re self-isolating with other people, unleash your competitive spirit with a board game, chess or a game of cards! Solitare is always a good (and addictive) solo game.

Jigsaw puzzles can take days or weeks to complete. If you don’t have any, you can play for free on a computer or tablet at websites like Jigsaw Planet.


Do Something Constructive

Sort your photos. If you have lots of photos stored on your digital camera or phone, a website like snapfish is handy to create albums, personalised gifts and even print photos for an album. You could create a book of memories for your children or grandchildren.

Have you always wondered about your past? Look up family history on a website like It’s a brilliant tool where you can research records from all around the world to discover relatives from generations gone by. Or why not write down your memories into a journal, as a keepsake for your family. Writing can help to reduce stress and boost your mood.

Declutter! Work around each room, sorting through draws and cupboards using an easy throw/sell/donate method. As Marie Kondo says if it doesn’t ‘spark joy’ – get rid of it. If this period of isolation had affected your income stream, it may be a good idea to use this time to sort  unused stuff and ready it to be sold when the large event ban is lifted. See our big guide to swap meets in Perth here. 

Learn a new skill, which could help you get a new job or lead into a new hobby. At there are hundreds of courses on business, design, photography and more.

Bake and cook. This could be challenging, being limited to what’s in your pantry, but imagine how delicous your house will smell! Google a cake decoration tutorial on You Tube and get creative.

Plant a herb garden. You’ll need purchase the seeds or seedlings before isolation, but tending to a garden daily can give you purpose, routine, and after a couple of months – some fresh herbs for your cooking. You don’t need to do anything too elaborate – a few pots of parsley, basil and thyme on your windowsill will come in handy in the kitchen.


Keep Active

Even if you’re stuck indoors, there are plenty of ways people of many ability levels can exercise and keep moving. Taking time to meditate each day can also help to reduce stress. Here’s some ideas (click on the link for videos):


Do you have a tip for entertaining yourself indoors, or a great suggestion for TV viewing? Let us know in the comments below your ideas for things to do indoors when you’re self isolating.

About Stella B

Stella is loving retirement! Besides her loves of gardening, reading and painting, she adores spending time with her family and being out and about in Perth. Living in the Perth Hills, her time is often spent brunching with her husband at one of Kalamunda’s many cafes or enjoying a food platter over a glass of wine at a Bickley Valley winery.

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