Yallingup Maze

Yallingup Maze

If you’re looking for something different to do next time you’re in the Margaret River area, check out the Yallingup maze; its not too taxing and is a great family fun activity.

Mazes have been a popular form of entertainment for as long as we can remember, and if you have grandkids in tow, it can be a chance to get a little peace and quiet whilst they find their way from the start to the exit; or you can take another option and join in the fun!

Yallingup Maze

We spent a happy morning at the Yallingup maze with our grandchildren when we were last down south. On entering the maze you are challenged to find your way to 4 different towers before exiting. If you need to get your bearings, or, if you need to leave the maze quickly, there is a walkway overlooking the maze that also leads directly to the exit. Throughout the maze there are secret doors, dead ends and puzzles to solve to further tax the brain.

Yallingup Maze

At the entry of the maze there is a stand full of water pistols and a filling station at this point and under each tower. Now at this point you can be a grown up, or you can arm yourself with water pistols and partake in armed combat against the grandkids; we decided on the latter.

Yallingup Maze

Armed to the gunnels the kids took off through the maze, completely ignoring the whole idea of completing the challenge, and instead, set themselves up in one of the towers to take on all comers. Not to be outdone, Grandad positioned himself on the walkway to take advantage of the overview. It was like Gunfight at the OK Corral! Fortunately there were not too many innocent people getting soaked and the fight gleaned much interest from onlookers, to the point where we had new additions to the kids team. A good couple of hours were spent running through the maze trying to outfox each other and by the end we had a very wet but happy family – and extras.

Yallingup Maze

After running around the maze for a while its nice to retreat to the adjoining cafe for a coffee and a snack or a light lunch. The tables in the cafe all have puzzles and games for both children and adults that you are encouraged to try your hand at – so you can exercise the brain as well as the body. If you are a fan of puzzles and strategy games, the cafe also has a retail section where you can purchase the puzzles and games you have been playing; I really like the โ€œ try before you buyโ€ idea.

All in all we had a really fun time and I thought our morning was well spent at the maze and we all had an amazing time! (Pun intended!)


Address: 3059 Caves Road, Yallingup

Phone: 9756 6500

Website: www.yallingupmaze.com.au

Email: lost@yallingupmaze.com.au

Opening Hours: 9.30am – 4.30pm Daily

Cost: Adult $16

ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Child (4-18), Senior, Concession $14

ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Child under 4yrs Free

ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย Family 2A&2C $56

About Alison Bowmer

I am 57 and work part time in the hospitality industry. I am married with one daughter and three grandchildren.
Outside of work I enjoy music, reading, or watching a good movie, especially with a platter and glass of wine as accompaniment. I really enjoy outdoor concerts or musical theatre.
I love travel of any kind and have recently taken up Glamping.

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