WA Detective Trails

WA Detective Trails

A great way to learn new things about the city we live in is by going on one of the WA Detective Trails. There are 14 trails to choose from which will take you on an interactive, puzzle solving walk through the historical and cultural attractions of Perth City, Perth Metro and WA.

I purchased one of the Puzzle Walks online as an activity to do with my grandchildren during the school holidays. The website was very user friendly: you just choose the walk you want to do, pay the purchase fee and either download and print the booklet ( $9.95) or have it posted out to you ( $14.95) We chose to do a city centre trail called โ€œ Perth Sweet and Savouryโ€ which was designed with children in mind and took us around the city via gourmet food stores such as Roc Candy, The Margaret River Chocolate shop and Gusto Gelato.

WA Detective Trails

The trail started at Yagan Square with a back story about zombie chocolate bunnies to entertain the kids; and wound its way through the streets of Perth giving us directions to each destination on our walk. Each stop had clues to a puzzle item to discover – this kept the kids engaged – and also had snippets of information and history about the area.

WA Detective Trails

The trail booklets have been well researched and are full of fun facts, for example; Murray Street is so wide because it was the camel route through Perth and camels apparently canโ€™t reverse so the road had to be wide enough for them to do a u-turn. Itโ€™s surprising how much new information about Perth we picked up along the way.

The trail is designed to take around 3 hours to complete and if you have trouble working out the answers to the clues you can find it out by scanning the QR code provided or sending an SMS to the number provided.

WA Detective Trails

This is an inexpensive way to spend a day outdoors discovering our own backyard with friends or family and gives both the body and the brain a workout at the same time. We thoroughly enjoyed our detective trail and have already decided that to purchase more to do with friends over the summer.

WA Detective Trails



Cost: $9.95 PDF download

$14.95 PDF download and posted printed booklet

Accessibility: All trails are wheelchair friendly.

Dog Friendly: Generally yes, but each trail is different and location should be taken into account.

About Alison Bowmer

I am 57 and work part time in the hospitality industry. I am married with one daughter and three grandchildren.
Outside of work I enjoy music, reading, or watching a good movie, especially with a platter and glass of wine as accompaniment. I really enjoy outdoor concerts or musical theatre.
I love travel of any kind and have recently taken up Glamping.

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